
The Fell Pony Society

Search This Site

This Search indexes the FPS site only.

Look at the site Menu first for likely places to find the information you want.

This Search function does not find pony pedigree data, because it is not stored on this site. You may trace pedigrees via the online registry service Grassroots, which is free to FPS Members. Please read the information about Grassroots below. Alternatively, you can buy printed copies of the annually published Stud Books, or the Black Stud Book 1898-1980, from the Office.

This Search function is excellent for finding information in our back archive of Magazines.

Searching This Site

You can use Advanced functions as well as basic search.

If you enclose a phrase or a name in quotation marks, eg, "Master John", it will find the words as a group, and not waste time fetching "Master" on its own or "John" on its own.

Search engine by freefind Advanced

Installed 17 Dec 2022.

Fell Pony Stud Book - Grassroots Online Registry

This service, which gives access to such things as animal details, pedigrees and progeny lists, is free to Fell Pony Society members and has been available since Spring 2009.

Log in via the Grassroots link below, using your FPS member's access number (it is the same ID number that is printed on your Magazine envelope address label; it is not your annual membership receipt number) plus your password.

Go to the GRASSROOTS Online Registry

Grassroots has been updated (25 May 2022) and members now allocate their own password.

New FPS members will receive a link via email to ‘set a password’ for Grassroots when they join the Society.

If for some reason as a current member you no longer have your ‘log in’ password, then you need to go to the Grassroots Log In screen and 'click to Reset Password'. You will be sent an email, addressed to the email address that we have for you. You use the link in that email to reset your password.

You should not need to contact the Office, unless you have mislaid your FPS member's access number since you last received a copy of the FPS Magazine.